名古屋大学人文学研究科 Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities

TCS国際シンポジウム / TCS International Symposium ケアの倫理と人文学 / The Ethics of Care and the Humanities

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28日(土)Jun. 28. Sat.
開会の辞 / Opening Remarks
Yoshiyuki Suto (Dean of the Graduate School of Humanities, Nagoya University)

新世代パネル / New Generation Panel
Women Who Give Care and Women Who Receive Care--Heteronormativity/Patriarchy/Cultural Representation
エルドアン・エリフ(上智大学)/ Elif Erdogan (Sophia University)
"Kimochi ii?:Exploring Sexual Satisfaction between Japanese Heterosexual Couples"

野崎文香(名古屋大学)/ Fumika Nozaki (Nagoya University)
The Current Situation of Feminism in South Korea from the Perspective of "Dorbom"

高畑早希(名古屋大学)/ Saki Takabatake (Nagoya University)
Relationships of Care Arising in the Local Folktale Movement: A Case Study of the Activities of the " Miyagi Minwanokai "

刘 楷文(名古屋大学)/ Liu Kaiwen (Nagoya University)
「日本「癒し系」映画における「癒し」の文化的生産とケアのジェンダー・ポリティクス :『かもめ食堂』(2006)に焦点を」
"Cultural Production of Healing and Gendered Politics of Care in Japanese Iyashi-kei Cinema - focusing on Seagull Diner (2006)"

Discussant:Akiko Shimizu (University of Tokyo)

Organizer and Chair: Midoriko Hayashi(Nagoya University), Akira Kobajima (Nagoya University)

セッション1 / SESSION 1
Paradigm Change through Care
岡野八代(同志社大学)/ Yayo Okano (Doshisha University)
"From a Ethic of Care to a Feminist Democrartic Ethic of Care"

小西真理子(大阪大学)/ Mariko Konishi (Osaka University)
"An Ethic of Care and Inability to Empathize with Others"

キム・ヒカン(高麗大学)/ Hee-Kang Kim(Korea University)
"Caring Democracy as an Alternative"

ディスカッサント:鈴木真(名古屋大学)/Makoto Suzuki (Nagoya University)

29日(日)Jun. 29. Sun.
セッション2 / SESSION 2
Practice and Relationships in Care
渡邉琢(日本自立生活センター)/ Taku Watanabe (Japan Center for Independent Living)
"Independent Living Movement for the Disabled and the Ethics of Care"

安井絢子(滋賀大学非常勤)/ Ayako Yasui (Shiga University)
"Decision-making in care relationships"

ジェニファー・コーツ(シェフィールド大学)/ Jennifer Coates(The University of Sheffield)
"From Ethics of Care to Aesthetics of Care: Fieldwork, Writing, and the Tensions in Between"

ディスカッサント:川口遼(名古屋大学)/ Ryo Kawaguchi (Nagoya University)

セッション3 / SESSION 3
Care and Diversity
マーゲリータ・ロング(カルフォルニア大学アーヴァイン校)/ Margherita Long(University of California, Irvine)
"Care Ethics and the Intrusion of Gaia: Tsushima, Sabetsu, Life"

井谷聡子(関西大学)/ Satoko Itani (Kansai University)
"Transgender Athletes' Welfare and Ethics of Care"

飯田祐子(名古屋大学)/ Yuko Iida (Nagoya University)
"Expanding the Margins of Relationships: Care in Contemporary Women Writers' Works"

ディスカッサント:長山智香子(名古屋大学)/ Chikako Nagayama (Nagoya University)

総合討論 / Roundtable Discussion

閉会の辞 / Closing Remarks
Yuko Iida (Director of the Center for Transregional Culture and Society, Nagoya University)

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