- Agglutinative Information: A study of Turkish incomplete sentences. 2003. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. abstract
- Tajik. 2005. München: Lincom. review
- Tacikçe Dilbilgisi. 2006. İstanbul: Kebikeç Yayınları. Hataları düzeltilmiş içindekiler bölümü
- Bukharan Tajik. 2007. München: Lincom.
- タジク語文法便覧. 2012. Sendai: Tohoku University Press. abstract
Editorial work
- Tajik Linguistics. 2023. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. url
Other publications
- A spectral analysis of the voiceless postalveolar fricative in two varieties of Tajik. Accepted for publication in Springer Handbook of Phonetics and Phonology of Modern Iranian Languages. Springer Nature.
- A Persian-lexified pidgin recorded in 18th-century Japan. in The Handbook of Persian Dialects and Dialectology. 2025. Singapore: Springer Verlag.
- Standard Tajik phonology. In Tajik Linguistics. 2023. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 45-107. Google Books
- Formant frequency values of vowels produced by 'Iranians' in Bukhara. In Роҳи Абрешим ва робитаҳои байнифарҳангии Авруосиё / Silk Road and Eurasian transcultural relations. 2018. Dushanbe: ТГМУ им. Абуали ибни Сино. 16-19. pdf
- Huihuiguan zazi: A New Persian glossary compiled in Ming China. In Korangy & Miller (eds.) Trends in Iranian and Persian Linguistics. 2018. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 21-52. abstract
- The vowel system of Jewish Bukharan Tajik: With special reference to the Tajik vowel chain shift. Journal of Jewish Languages, vol. 5, no. 1. 2017. 81-103. pdf
- (With Tülay Çulha) Vowel letters and signs used in a manuscript held in the National Karay Library. Türkologiya, 1, 2017. 42-57. pdf
- A late 19th-century Uzbek text in Hebrew script. Turkic Languages, vol. 20. 2016. 216-233. pdf
- New Persian vowels transcribed in Ming China. In De Chiara & Grassi (eds.) Iranian languages and literatures of Central Asia: from the 18th century to the present (Cahiers de Studia Iranica 57). 2015. Paris: Association pour l’Avancement des Études Iraniennes. 99-136. pdf
- Illustrations of the IPA: Bukharan Tajik. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 44,1. 2014. 87-102. pdf
- Vowel alternation in disyllabic reduplicatives: An areal dimension. Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri (Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics), 2, 1. 2011. 185-193. pdf
- A morpheme-based model of nonsentential utterance production. In Behrens and Fabricius-Hansen (eds.) Structuring information in discourse: the explicit/implicit dimension. 2009. 63-75. pdf
- An analysis of the formation of the Tajik vowel system. Studia Linguistica Upsaliensis, 8. 2009. 65-74.
- (With Prashant Pardeshi et al.) Toward a geotypology of EAT-expressions in languages of Asia: Visualizing areal patterns through WALS. Gengo Kenkyū, 130, 2006. 89-108.
- An aspect marking construction shared by two typologically different languages. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism. 2005. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. 1105-1114. pdf Türkçe çevirisi. (Çevirmen: Ebru Dilbas).
- An alternative description of incomplete sentences in Turkish and other agglutinative languages. Turkic Languages, vol. 6, no. 2., 2002. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 157-191. pdf
- Mimetic word formation in Turkish. Asian and African Studies, 8, 1999, No. 1. Bratislava: Kabinet Orientalistiky SAV, Institute of Oriental and African Studies. 67-73.
- Çat pat konuşmak için sözlükler. Turkish Studies, 4, 4. 2009. 526-533.
- Divanü Lügat'it-Türk’teki yansımalı kelimelerde ünlü nöbetleşmesi. Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10, 39, 2008. 263-272. pdf
- Şimdiki Buharalı gençlerin Tacikçesinin sözdizimsel ve şekilbilgisel özellikleri: Niteleyici tümceciği, edilgen çatı, ve süreklilik görünüşü. İlmî Araştırmalar, 13, 2002. 51-66. pdf review
- 井土靈山の生涯と事績 [Ido Reizan: a biographical sketch]. 名古屋大学人文学研究論集 [Journal of humanities, Nagoya University], 2, 2019. 21-41. pdf
- 「断片発話」の生成についての覚書. 愛知県立芸術大学紀要, 40, 2011. 185-195. pdf
- Japanese translation of the original Uzbek text in Шарқ хаттотлик ва миниатюра санъатидан намуналар: VII-XXI асрлар. 2011. Tashkent: O'zbekiston. bibliographic info
- 母音の連鎖推移と言語接触のインターフェイス. In 言語・脳・認知の科学と外国語習得 [Language, Brain, and Cognition: Typological, Neurocognitive, and Applied Perspectives]. 2009. 7-20.
- 口唱歌の分析 [An analysis of oral mnemonics]. 東北大学高等教育開発推進センター紀要 [Journal of the centre for the advancement of higher education], 1, 2006. Sendai: Tohoku University. 181-189. pdf
- タジク語でいこう. 月刊言語 Gekkan Gengo, 4, 2005. Tokyo: Taishûkan. 82-87. pdf
- ウズベク語. 月刊言語 Gekkan Gengo, 4, 2004. Tokyo: Taishûkan. pdf
- ブハラのタジク語. 月刊言語 Gekkan Gengo, 7, 2001. Tokyo: Taishûkan. 98-103. pdf
Unpublished presentations
- Evidentiality in Tajik: A summary. A summary of Alexander Nilsson's doctoral dissertation url. Uppsala University. 2 April 2022. pdf
- A state language based on a minority language in a neighbouring state. 1st International Conference on Revitalization of Indigenous and Minoritized Languages, Universitat de Barcelona. 19-21 April 2017. Abstract
- A vowel shift (or lack thereof) in two Indo-Iranian languages. 37th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Nepal, Tribhuvan University. 26-27 November 2016. Abstract+handout
- One vowel system for two languages: The vowel inventory of Bukharan Tajik-Uzbek bilinguals. 13th Language and Society Confrerence, New Zealand. University of Auckland. 28-29 November 2012. Abstract Handout
- Vowel alternation in disyllabic reduplicatives: an areal dimension. International Conference on Minority Languages XII. University of Tartu. 28-30 May 2009. Abstract+poster
- Language contact and chain shifting in tandem: the vowel system of Tajik. 23rd Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. Uppsala University. 1-3 October 2008.
- A model for sentence-fragment production: a preliminary study. ‘Explicit and implicit information in text: Information structure across languages’. University of Oslo, 8-10 June 2006. Pre-proceedings Handout
- Why borrow verbs when you can borrow participles?: Turkic participles in the Iranian languages. 'Universality and particularity in parts-of-speech systems'. University of Amsterdam, 8-10 June 2006. Abstract Poster
- EAT expressions in Central Asian languages. 7th International Forum on Language, Brain, and Cognition 'Incorporating Culture into Studies of Cognition and Language'. Shin-Senzankan Hall, Japan Women's University. 15 March 2006. Abstract
- (With Prashant Pardeshi et al.) Areal distribution and semantic evolution of EAT in the languages of Asia. ‘AG 4: Aktuelle Fragen der Areallinguistik / Current Issues in Areal Typology’. Universität Bielefeld. 22-24 February 2006.
- An alternative account of "elliptical sentence" production. 2nd International Workshop on Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences ‘In Pursuit of Language-Brain Interactions: Language Acquisition, Sentence Processing, and Neurolinguistics’. University of Tokyo. 2-3 July 2005.
- Sound symbolism in Turkish music. Workshop 2004: Language and Culture, University of Sydney. February 12-13, 2004.
- Contact-induced language change. 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Arizona State University. April 30 - May 3, 2003.
- An analysis of 'incomplete sentences' in agglutinative languages: With some reference to LCS (Lexical Conceptual Structure/Semantics). Departmental Seminar of the School of European, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies, University of Sydney. 28 May 2002.
- Pre-nominal modifier phrases with -agi in today's Bukharan dialect of Tajik: A preliminary study. Australian Linguistic Society Conference. 27-30 September 2001. Australian National University.
- Morphologically unmarked topics in Japanese. Australian Linguistic Society Conference. 7-9 July 2000. Monash University.
- Moğolca ve Türkî dillerde yemek fiilli ifadeler. 'Cengiz Han ve oğullarının icraatlarının Türk dünyasındaki akisleri'. Sabancı Müzesi (İstanbul Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü). 7-8 December 2006. Handout
- İranî dillerde -miş'li ortaçlar. I. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Kültür Kurultayı. Ege Üniversitesi, 9–15 April 2006. Handout
- 愛知県と名古屋市 [Aichi and Nagoya]. 国際交流基金シドニー日本文化センター [The Japan Foundation, Sydney]. 7 June 2021. pdf
- 中央アジアにおける言語接触(音声面からの検討) [A phonetic investigation into language contact in Central Asia]. 大连海洋大学 亚洲命运共同体大型系列学术讲座. 26 April 2019.
- 音響音声学 母音. 公開講座「調音音声学と音響音声学をやってみる」. 名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科. 2015年6月13-14日.
- 『回回館雜字』から見た15世紀新ペルシア語の母音体系. Nagoya de Socio (NdS) 研究会. 名古屋大学. 2014年2月20日.
- タジク語の自動詞と他動詞. 「述語構造の意味範疇の普遍性と多様性」研究発表会. 国立国語研究所. 2012年6月30日.
- トルコ語の体言締め文. 「体言締め文」「五段階」研究発表会. 国立国語研究所. 2010年7月24日.
- 非文発話生成を説明する試み [Modelling nonsentential utterance production]. 東北大学大学院国際文化研究科附属言語脳認知総合科学研究センター Research Center for Language, Brain and Cognition, Tohoku University. 29 July 2009.
- タジク語とウズベク語の収束 [Language contact in Central Asia and the convergence of Tajik and Uzbek]. Invited lecture at the Tohoku University 21st Century COE Program in Humanities: LBC Open Lecture Series No.27. Tohoku University. 6 July 2005.
- 音響と音韻からみた膜鳴楽器音のトルコ語口唱歌 [An acoustic-phonetic analysis of solmization for membranophones]. The periodic research meeting of 東洋音楽学会 Tôyô Ongaku Gakkai (the Society for Research in Asiatic Music) 4 October 2003. Handout
- 文学部と私. 『名古屋大学文学部創立75周年記念文集』 2023. 『名古屋大学文学部創立75年記念誌』編集委員会. 6頁.
- 文学部と私. 『月刊名大文学部』 第133号. 2023.5.10. 名古屋大学文学部広報体制委員会. pdf
- 分野・専門 (研究室)の動向:言語学分野・専門. 『Newsletter あおぎり』 第16号. 2019.01.31. 名古屋大学文学部・人文学研究科同窓会. 8頁.
- 分野・専門紹介―File11:言語学専門で何を学ぶか(堀江薫共著).『月刊名大文学部』 第85号. 2017.10.10. 名古屋大学文学部広報体制委員会. pdf
- 学習アドバイス:とりあえず. 2015.03.25. 名古屋大学英語部会.
- 新スタッフ紹介. 『GSID Newsletter』 第35号. 2014.07.01. 名古屋大学大学国際開発研究科. 7頁. pdf
- 塞翁が職. 『大志~松下アジアスカラシップ・ニュース~』 第14号. 2013.12. 松下国際財団. 15-16頁.
- 教員紹介 (平成21年度着任教員):井土愼二. 『愛知県立芸術大学学報』 第57号. 2010.03.15. 愛知県立芸術大学事務局芸術情報課. 9頁. pdf
- 立教大学司書課程開設40周年記念特別寄稿:収賄作法. 『St. Paul's Librarian』 第22号. 2008.03.01. 立教大学学校・社会教育講座. 4-5頁.
- 2006年 度生:井土愼二. 『大志~松下アジアスカラシップ・ニュース~』 第5号. 2006.12. 松下国際財団. 4頁.
- 神田モンパルナス. 『U7』 第8号. 2006.05. 学士会. 12-13頁. jpg