名古屋大学人文学研究科 Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities

Graduate School


The Graduate School of Humanities seeks individuals who are highly motivated to tackle issues of relevance to the world in which we live through research in the humanities. We seek applicants with outstanding specialized knowledge and linguistic skills, individuals with the ability to perform logical, empirical research and to present that work clearly.

The Graduate School of Humanities was established in April 2017. It is the result of a three-way merger of the Graduate School of Letters and the Graduate School of Languages and Cultures, and the Department of International Communication of the Graduate School of International Development.

The goal of the Graduate School of Humanities is to produce graduates who can leverage both breadth of perspective on the one hand, and specialized knowledge and deep understanding of human societies and cultures on the other to work constructively toward long-term solutions to the various problems facing both local and global society.

The humanities is a diverse collection of many specialized disciplines that share as their purpose an understanding of what it is, fundamentally, to be human. We approach the humanities with sensitivity and sincerity, respecting the traditions and methodologies of each. Our research takes us far afield and close to home as we explore representations of humanity in language and literature, the fine and performing arts, and philosophy and rhetoric. We locate these works within the long sweep of history, as the embodiment of humankind's cultural and intellectual opus.

We look forward to welcoming creative, imaginative, skilled young researchers dedicated to pursuing knowledge of human nature through the body of humankind's endeavors and heritage.

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