Faculty members in the Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies Program
Core Faculty
Modern Japanese Literature
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities
Ph.D. (Japanese Studies) University of Trier, Germany
M.A. (Japanese Studies) Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Research Interests
Contemporary Japanese literature; Korean minority literature; transnational literature; ecocriticism and environmental literature; post-3.11 literature; food and literature; post-colonial studies; cultural studies; gender studies
Message to Prospective Students
I welcome MA and PhD projects that are related to modern and contemporary literature, especially if they fall into the above-listed research fields. If you are interested in applying for the JACS-MA program, hope to come to Nagoya as a PhD student, or enroll as a Research Student please contact me in advance so we can figure out whether NU would be a good fit for you.
Prospective JACS undergraduate students are also encouraged to get in touch with any questions you might have!
Email me at:
Courses Taught
- Fall Odd Years
"Introduction to Japanese Literature"
"Minority and Transnational Literatures"
"Joint Undergraduate Seminar"
"Graduate Seminar Literary Theory and Practice"
- Spring Odd Years
"Literature" (Liberal Arts)
"New Perspectives on Japanese Modern Literature"
"Joint Undergraduate Seminar"
"Graduate Seminar Literary Theory and Practice"
- Fall Even Years
"Introduction to Cultural Theory"
"Critical Literary Analysis"
"Joint Undergraduate Seminar"
"Graduate Seminar Literary Theory and Practice"
- Spring Even Years
Japanese Literature and Translation
Japanese Literature and Gender
"Joint Undergraduate Seminar"
"Graduate Seminar Literary Theory and Practice
Professional Experience
- Associate Professor, School of Humanities, Nagoya University (since 2013)
- Visiting Research Fellow. German Research Foundation (DFG) Centre for Advanced Studies FOR 2603 "Poetry in Transition", Trier University, Germany (2018-2019)
- Senior Research Fellow. "Post-3.11 Media Discourses", International Research Center for Japanese Studies Kyoto (2016-2018)
- Deputy Director, German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo (2013)
- Senior Research Fellow, German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo (DIJ)
- Lecturer, Japanese Studies Department, University of Trier
- German Research Foundation (DFG) Research Fellow, Japanese Studies Department, University of Trier
Selected Publications
Monographs & Edited Volumes
2017 (published August 2016). Fukushima and the Arts. Negotiating Nuclear Disaster. Routledge (with Barbara Geilhorn). Peer reviewed; 2018 paperback edition.
2015. Visions of Precarity in Japanese Popular Culture and Literature, Routledge (with Roman Rosenbaum). Peer reviewed; 2018 paperback edition.
2013. Raifukōsu no yukue. Nihon to doitsu no shigoto, kazoku, sumai. Beyond a Standardized Lifecourse - Biographical Choices about Work, Family and Housing in Japan and Germany. Tokyo: Shinyosha. Co-edited with Hiromi Tanaka, Maren Godzik.
2010. Contemporary Japan. Vol. 22, No. 1+2, Inaugural Special Issue "Mind the Gap: Stratification and Social Inequalities in Japan." peer reviewed; with Barbara Holthus.
2008. Alles nur Theater? Gender und Ethnizität bei der japankoreanischen Autorin Yū Miri Munich: Iudicium.
2005. Ethnizität und Geschlecht - (Post-)Koloniale Verhandlungen in Geschichte, Kunst und Medien Böhlau. With Graduiertenkolleg Ethnizität und Geschlecht.
Journal Articles & Book Chapters
2021. "Kusomamire no inochi--kyapitarosen hihan toshite Kimura Yūsuke no Cs Seichi o yomu", in Kimura Saeko and Anne Bayard-Sakai, eds, Sekai bungaku toshite no 'shinsaigo bungaku'". Tokyo: Akashi shoten, 289-310.
2020. "Erlesenes Essen. Kimchi, Gender und Ethnizität in der japankoreanischen Gegenwartslyrik", in Eduard Klopfenstein, ed. Japanische Lyrik der Gegenwart. XXI. Europäische Japandiskurse. Berlin: Theseus, 70-88.
2020. "Broken Narratives, Multiple Truths: Writing 'History' in Yū Miri's The End of August." positions east asia cultures critique, Vol. 28 No.4, 815-840.
2020. "Shi ni kizamu kimuchi--'zainichi' shijin no egaku shoku, jendā, sabetsu", in JunCture (Tokushū kokumin, kokka, shoku), Vol. 11. 58-71.
2019. "Uwagaki suru bungaku--Yū Miri JR Ueno eki kōenguchi o shuuhen kara no rekishi toshite yomu", in Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano, ed., 'Post 3.11' media gensesu saikō. Tokyo: Hōsei daigaku shuppankyoku, 197-215.
2019."The Roads to Disaster, or Rewriting History from the Margins--Yū Miri's JR Ueno Station Park Exit." Contemporary Japan, Vol. 31, No. 2, 180-196, doi 10.1080/18692729.2019.1578848.
2018. "Challenging the Myth of Homogeneity: Immigrant Writing in Japan", in Sandra Vlasta and Wiebke Sievers, eds. Immigrant and Ethnic-Minority Writers since 1945. Fourteen National Contexts in Europe and Beyond. Brill Rodopi, 318-354.
2018. "Pavane for a Dead Princess, or Exploring Geographies of the City, the Mind, and the Social: Fujita Yoshinaga's Tenten and Miki Satoshi's Adrift in Tokyo", in Barbara Thornbury and Evelyn Schulz, eds. Tokyo--Memory, Imagination, and the City. Lexington Books, 25-44.
2017. "Negotiating Nuclear Disaster. An Introduction", in Barbara Geilhorn and Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, eds. Negotiating Nuclear Disaster--'Fukushima' and the Arts. Routledge, 1-20.
2017. "Gendering 'Fukushima': Resistance, Self-responsibility, and Female Hysteria in Sono Sion's Land of Hope", in Barbara Geilhorn and Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, eds. Negotiating Nuclear Disaster--'Fukushima' and the Arts. Routledge, 110-126.
2015. "'Fukushima leben', oder wie spricht man von der verlorenen Heimat? Politische Ambivalenzen in Wagō Ryōichis Katastrophenpoesie", in Lisette Gebhardt and Evelyn Schulz, eds. Neue Konzepte japanischer Literatur? Nationalliteratur, literarischer Kanon und die Literaturtheorie. EB Verlag, 223-252.
2015. "Precarity beyond 3/11 or 'Living Fukushima'--Power, politics, and space in Wagō Ryōichi's poetry of disaster", in Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt and Roman Rosenbaum, eds. Visions of Precarity in Japanese Popular Culture and Literature. Routledge, 187-201.
2015. "Kirino Natsuo's Metabola, or the Okinawan stage, fractured selves and the precarity of contemporary existence", in Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt and Roman Rosenbaum, eds. Visions of Precarity in Japanese Popular Culture and Literature. Routledge, 24-42.
2013. "Terebi dorama ni miru raifukōsu no datsu hyōjunka to mikonka no hyōshō: Around 40 to Konkatsu! o rei ni", in Hiromi Tanaka, Maren Godzik, Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, eds, Raifukōsu no yukue. Nihon to doitsu no shigoto, kazoku, sumai. Beyond a Standardized Lifecourse - Biographical Choices about Work, Family and Housing in Japan and Germany. Tokyo: Shinyōsha, 176-201.
2012. "Precarity discourses in Kirino Natsuo's Metabola--the Okinawan stage, fractured selves and the ambiguity of contemporary existence." Japan Forum. Vol. 24:2, 141-161.
2011. "The Japanese Television Drama Around 40 and the Politics of Happiness: Count What You Have Now." Asian Studies Review. Vol. 35, 295-313; with Alisa Freedman.
2011. "'Unsichtbare Menschen'? Zur Entstehung und gegenwärtigen Situation der koreanischen Minderheit in Japan", in Hilaria Gössmann, Renate Jaschke, Andreas Mrugalla, eds. Interkulturelle Begegnungen in Literatur, Film und Fernsehen. Ein deutsch-japanischer Vergleich. Iudicium, 113-144.
2008. "Die Fremde als Heimat? Die Heimat als Fremde? Zu Identitätsdiskursen in der Literatur der koreanischen Minderheit in Japan", in Michael Lackner, ed. Zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Selbstbehauptung. Ostasiatische Diskurse des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft, 105-133.
2007. "Aidentiti no datsu kōchiku toshite no 'jibun sagashi'--Yū Miri no Hachigatsu no hate ron", in Shakaibungaku (Tokushū 'Zainichi' bungaku: kako, genzai, mirai), Vol. 26, 136-147.
2007. "Yū Miri und das 'schöne Dorf': Konstruktionen von 'roots' und 'routes' in Hachigatsu no hate." Asiati¬sche Studien/ Études Asiatiques. Special Issue: Schriftstellerinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Vol. LXII-2/2007, 661-683.
Invited Lectures & Keynotes
2022 "Toxic Food and Slow Violence in Japan's Post-3/11 Literature", German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo.
2021 (postponed from 2020; online). "Literary Fallout. Japanese Literature and 'Fukushima'", Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS) on Imagining Futures: Interstices and the Immateriality of Disasters. Mid Sweden University.
2020. "Post-apokalyptischer Mist. Politik der verstrahlten (Tier-)Körper in Kimura Yūsukes Fukushima-Roman Seichi Cs", Hamburg University, Germany.
2019. "Erlesenes Essen. Kimchi, Gender und Ethnizität in der japankoreanischen Gegenwartslyrik", Forum Literaturwissenschaftliche Japanforschung, Heidelberg University, Germany.
2019. "Inscribing Edible Otherness: Intersections of Food, Gender, and Ethnicity in Contemporary Zainichi Poetry", German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo.
2018. "Geschichte von unten, oder wie 3.11 den literarischen Blick auf die Vergangenheit verändert", Free University of Berlin, Germany.
2018. "Literatur als Palimpsest. Yū Miris JR Ueno Station Park Exit als 'Geschichte' von unten", Trier University, Germany.
2017. "3.11/Fukushima in der japanischen Literatur. Itō Seikō's Sōzō Rajio", Free University of Berlin, Germany.
2016. "Zwischen Verzweiflung und Hoffnung: Wagō Ryōichis Poesie der Katastrophe und andere Verhandlungen von ‚Fukushima'", Trier University, Germany.
2015. "Mediating Disaster--poetic and literary responses to 3.11/'Fukushima'", J.M. Coetzee Centre for Creative Practice, University of Adelaide, Australia.
Conference Presentations
2021 (postponed from 2020). "Exploring Literary Polyphony: Contemporary Japanese Literature Between Cultural Appropriation, Writing Back, and Transnationalism", European Association for Japanese Studies Conference, Ghent, Belgium (online).
2019. "Post-Apocalyptical Shit: On the Politics of Irradiated (Human) Animal Bodies in Kimura Yūsuke's Sacred Cesium Ground", Decentering the Anthropocene, University of Vienna, Austria.
2019. "The Politics of Language. On the Use of Non-Standard Speech in Post-3/11 Poetry", Transition: A Paradigm of world Society in the 21st Century. Kobe University.
2019. "World Poetry, or Issues of Translation and Power: "Bringing home" Ishikawa Takuboku", Transition: ein Paradigma der Weltlyrik im 21. Jahrhundert? Waseda University.
2019. "Voices from the margins in post-Fukushima literature", EAJS in Japan, Tsukuba University.
2019. "The 'Voices of the Dead' as Metaphor in Yū Miri's Fiction", MLA International Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal.
2019. "Food and Gender in Contemporary Zainichi Poetry", ICAS, Leiden, Netherlands.
2019. "Decommissioning Time in Wagō Ryōichi's Post-3.11 Poetry", Natur in der Lyrik und Philosophie des Anthropozäns, Trier University, Germany.
2019. "Writing Kimchi, Inscribing Koreanness. Korean food between stigma and commodity in contemporary Zainichi poetry", 国民・国家・食, Nagoya University.
2018. "Körperlichkeit, Sprache, und Essen bei japankoreanischen Gegenwarts-lyrikerinnen--eine Projektskizze", 21. Europäische Japandiskurse, Trier University, Germany.
2018. "The Roads to Disaster: Yū Miri's JR Ueno Station Park Exit", Literature After 3.11 Now, INALCO, Paris, France.
2017. "Unburied bodies, wandering souls. Literary discourses in post-3.11 Japan", EAJS, Lisbon, Portugal.
2017. "Who has the right to speak, and are we prepared to listen? Literary discourses in post-Fukushima Japan", ICAS, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
2016. "Broadcasting Disaster: Trauma, Memory, and Music in Itō Seikō's Imagination Radio", JEAJS, London, UK.
2016. "In der Sperrzone: Yū Miri und 'Fukushima'", Workshop Japanische Gegenwartsliteratur, Vienna University, Austria.
Translations (Japanese→German)
2011. Yonaha Keiko. "Jenseits von ethnischen und nationalen Identitäten? Kaneshiro Kazukis Roman GO und seine Verfilmung," in: Gössmann, Hilaria; Jaschke, Renate; Mrugalla, Andreas, eds. Interkulturelle Begegnungen in Literatur, Film und Fernsehen. Ein deutsch-japanischer Vergleich. München: Iudicium, pp. 283-298.
2010. Yû Miri: Gold Rush. Berlin: be.bra, 342 pages.
2008. Kawamura Takeshi: "Aoi," in: Scholz-Cionca, Stanca, ed. Fünf Theaterstücke aus Japan 1994-2004. München: Iudicium, ed. 73-103; co-translated with Stefan Buchenberger.
European Association for Japanese Studies Book Prize
University of Trier Best Dissertation Award
German Research Foundation (DFG) Graduate College Dissertation Fellowship
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