名古屋大学人文学研究科 Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities

2018 Spring Semester Registration

Graduate School 2018 Spring Semester Registration Procedures

Period of submission: Wednesday, April 11 - Wednesday, April 18


1. The registration documents for graduate school courses are as follows. Submit the appropriate documents.

2. This registration (Spring) is for Spring semester courses. Fall semester courses and yearlong courses should be registered for in October.


Important Points



Graduate School of Humanities Class Subjects

Graduate School of Letters Class Subjects

Course Registration Form

Master's students should take Master's level courses.

The forms are also available at the Student Affairs Division (Graduate School of Humanities).

Request the forms there.


Students taking undergraduate courses in order to obtain credits related to a teaching license or curator certification

Application Form for Audit Courses at Other Undergraduate Schools

1) Create a form for each school.

2) Students taking teaching subjects or liberal sciences should present their registration application receipt to the instructor in charge at the first class.

3) Verify with the student affairs section of each School whether there are registration procedures for subjects from Schools other than the School of Humanities.

4) It is not possible to audit undergraduate courses and convert these to the credits required for the completion of graduate school.


Students that desire to take courses from other graduate schools

Application Form for Audit Courses at Other Graduate Schools

Obtain permission of the instructor ahead of time.

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